
CHA EUN-WOO 2024 Just One 10 Minute [Mystery Elevator] Encore in Japan のチケット


公演名 CHA EUN-WOO 2024 Just One 10 Minute [Mystery Elevator] Encore in Japan
開催日 2024/06/29(土) 17:00
会場 place Kアリーナ横浜
枚数 2枚連番
一枚あたりの値段 15,000 円/枚
送料 送料込み
席種 未定 アップグレード済み(20日に当落わかります)
タグ 名義なし コンビニ発券
発送方法 コンビニ発券
取引方法 通常取引 (落札承認が必要)


出品終了日 設定なし


  • AnaFloraCesar
  • Hello, I will be visiting Japan and I would like to go to this concert. I put a translator in this page and I am not understanding if your ticket is vip or Vvip. Can you explain me please? And I am going with my 15 year old son. I need 2 tickets. I saw it is a female ticket, is there any problem to take my son with a female ticket?

    2024/06/09(日) 18:29
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    Thank you for your comment.
    I don't know if I'll win because We haven't received a lottery announcement for VIP and VVIP yet.But I will apply.
    One of the two tickets is under the name of a woman, but the other one is available to anyone!

    2024/06/09(日) 18:35
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    VIP or VVIP rights require a separate fee for the winner.
    If I win, I request you to pay me the fee.
    I can give you the ticket directly on the day:)

    2024/06/09(日) 18:47
  • AnaFloraCesar
  • Hi, can you tell me which section is situated your ticket. I am looking for a good seat and as closest to stage as possible.
    I antecipated my flight to Japan just because of this concert. I am from Brasil, this is going to be my first tine in Japan, and I am a little bit confused with this kind of tickets and trying to purchase from Brasil.

    2024/06/11(火) 09:10
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    Japanese tickets are different from other countries, so you'll be confused.
    The seats on the Japanese ticket will be available on the 26th June.
    We only have the right to enter, but we don't know which seat it is now.

    2024/06/11(火) 09:15
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    VIP VVIPの申し込み済みです。
    (I applied for VIP and VVIP.The winner or loser will be known on June 20th.)

    2024/06/12(水) 18:46
  • AnaFloraCesar
  • That is a good news!
    And if I purchase from you, how do I pay you? And if you win the vvip and vip seats, do I pay you or do I pay at Seven eleven? Do you know how much is going to increase the price of a vvip or vip seat?
    I'll be arriving in Japan on June 28th at night. I am from Brazil. How do I pick up your ticket?
    Are you a fan club member? Or any ticket can order a vvip or vip seat?

    2024/06/12(水) 21:52
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    VVIP +¥50000
    VIP +¥20000
    I'm a member of his fan club.
    I hand you tickets face to face on the day or 28th night.
    All the tickets I have have already applied to receive a VVIP or VIP:)

    2024/06/12(水) 21:59
  • AnaFloraCesar
  • Hi, I have a doubt, can you tell me if the total price, if you get a VVip upgrade is 50000?

    Or if the total price is 15000 ticket + 50000 Vvip = 65000?

    Another question, as long as I want so much to be next to the stage (because in his fancon in Brazil I was so far from stage that I couldn´t see him closer), don´t you think you´d better to wait until you have the right position if you get the upgrade?

    I am asking you because I have to be honest, if you get this upgrade, I only will buy one ticket, because the price is very expensive to take my son with me. If I don´t get this upgrade, then I can buy 2 tickets.

    This is another question, if you get the vvip or vip, can you sell to me just one ticket with the upgrade?

    I want to buy tickets for the 2 days

    2024/06/14(金) 14:26
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    the total price is 15000 ticket + 50000 Vvip = 65000
    (If anyone buys it at a higher price, I'll sell it to them.)

    If you definitely want a VVIP, you should wait until June 20th!

    I have a ticket for the 30th, so if you need it, you can buy it.

    1ticket, also okay:)

    2024/06/14(金) 15:40
  • waexoos
  • vip をもらったですか?

    2024/06/20(木) 20:25
  • waexoos
  • もらったら、売ってくれる?

    2024/06/20(木) 20:26


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