
CHA EUN-WOO 2024 Just One 10 Minute [Mystery Elevator] Encore in Japan のチケット


公演名 CHA EUN-WOO 2024 Just One 10 Minute [Mystery Elevator] Encore in Japan
開催日 2024/06/29(土) 17:00
会場 place Kアリーナ横浜
枚数 2枚連番 (バラ売り可)
残り枚数 2枚
一枚あたりの値段 14,300 14,200 円/枚
送料 送料込み
席種 eプラス最速先行。6/26に発表の為座席未定。※料金は定価(13200円)+サービス料(880円)+システム料(220円)を足した価格になっております。
タグ 女性名義 ファンクラブ 電チケ
発送方法 電子チケット
チケットの発券状態 未発券
発送予定 公演より4日前
取引方法 即決取引


出品終了日 設定なし


  • AnaFloraCesar
  • Hello, I will be visiting Japan and I would like to go to this concert. I put a translator in this page and I am not understanding if your ticket is vip or Vvip. Can you explain me please? And I am going with my 15 year old son. I need 2 tickets. I saw it is a female ticket, is there any problem to take my son with a female ticket?

    2024/06/09(日) 18:18
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    Sorry for the late reply. I will check with my friend if the ticket can be upgraded. The name of the ticket is a woman's name, but I don't think there's any problem with anyone accompanying you. However, this ticket is under the name of a Japanese, so if you are a foreigner, please pay attention to that when you enter.

    2024/06/11(火) 14:40
  • AnaFloraCesar
  • Hi, thank´s for your explanation.
    Do you have 2 tickets for June 29th?
    I am from Brazil, I´ll be arriving in Japan on June 28th. How can I pay you the tickets?
    If I buy the tickets from you, do you help me to run to vvip or vip seats?
    Is there any problem if the ticket has other name that it is not my name?

    2024/06/12(水) 09:53
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    I have tickets for the 29th and 30th. I will know the details of the seats on June 26th, so I will receive the tickets for the performance on a good day and give you another ticket for the performance. So, I might have to give you a ticket for June 30th, is that okay? Payment can be made through this app. I can upgrade to a vip or vvip seat.However, since it is a lottery, it is not always possible to secure vip or vvip seats. If the name is different, We may not be able to enter, so we will meet at the venue on the day and enter together.

    2024/06/14(金) 12:28
  • AnaFloraCesar
  • Do you have tickets for both days? Because I want to buy tickets for both days. If you have, let me know please.
    Is it possible to ask for an upgrade for just one seat? Because if you can try an upgrrade seat for me, it would be wonderful.
    And do you know how much is it going to be this upgrade?
    Do you know if with this upgrade, is it possible to be closer to stage?
    Does the vvip have a hi bye and sound check included?
    And the vip? Is it closer to stage and have sound check included?

    2024/06/14(金) 16:13
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    Sorry for the late reply. Tickets are available for two days. I applied to upgrade my ticket! However, since it is a lottery, it is not always possible to upgrade. If you don't get it right, you may be given a regular ticket. Is that okay? The result of the upgrade lottery will be known on June 26th. If you win the vip seat, it will cost an additional 5,500 yen, and if you win the vvip seat, it will cost an additional 11000 yen. The contents of the vvip seat are a commitment to the front seat of the stage, an invitation to visit the sound check, and an invitation to the welcome party. The contents of the VIP seats are arena seats, rollback seats, and invitation to visit the sound check.

    2024/06/16(日) 16:04
  • 出品者
  • avatar

    The seats for vvip on the 30th are ready.What would you like to do?

    2024/06/20(木) 16:16


  • 名前やメールアドレス、連絡先などの個人情報は入力しないようお願いいたします。
  • チケジャム外部での直接取引や値引き交渉は、詐欺の原因となりますので行わないでください。


  • 万が一、届かない場合は
    全額返金 します!

    取引の流れ 買い手目線
    支払い方法 カード 支払い方法 コンビニ
    1. 取引終了まで、チケット代金はチケジャムが預かりますので安心して取引ができます。
    2. 取引相手にカード番号、金融機関口座情報を知らせる必要もありません。


